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The best way to give and make a difference! Giving to United Way of Erie County Inc. ensures that your gift will have the most impact in your community. By combining your gift with thousands of others United Way is able to achieve long term change in improving people's lives.



United Way of Erie County is working to create lasting positive change in the community we serve.  The mission of United Way is to create the organized capacity for people to care for one another.

Our goal is to change lives by addressing the underlying causes of community issues.  United Way of Erie County staff, board of directors and volunteers understand that it takes a community working together to create a brighter tomorrow. 





One of the more recent changes is the transition to Program Funding. In 2012, the United Way Board approved the four program areas that will guide the decisions of the Community Investment Committee and the work that United Way will do.  The four program areas are:

- Education - Helping children & adults achieve their potential through education. Funded programs include: Youth scholarships - YMCA, School based scouting program - Boy Scouts, AMAZE Program - Girl Scouts, One-to-One mentoring - Big Brothers Big Sisters, School suspension & expulsion programs - Center for Cultural Awareness, Supervised Visitation program - Kinship, Child Court Advocates - Erie County CASA, Advocacy for persons with disabilities - ARC of Erie Co., Alzheimer's Educational Programs - Alzheimer's Support Group
- Income - Helping families become financially stable and independent. Funded programs include: Basic needs - Salvation Army, Mobile Ministry & Meals - Salvation Army, Disaster services - American Red Cross, Family Strengthening Program - Goodwill, Adult advocacy services - Catholic Charities, Outreach shelter services - Safe Harbour DV Shelter, Residential Support Services - Crossroads, Ohio Benefit Bank Tax Assistance
- Health - Improving people's physical and/or mental health. Funded programs include:  Volunteer Connection Program - Volunteer Center, Mental health & substance abuse assessments - Bayshore   Counseling    Services, Medication assistance - Cancer Services, Medical supplies & services - Erie Residential, Respite Care - Alzheimer's Support Group, Meals on Wheels - Senior Center, 211, FamilyWize Prescription Assistance, Farmer's Markets
- Basic and Emergency Needs - Provide people with basic necessities in a disaster or other times of temporary need.  Promote self-financial stability and independence. Funded progams include disaster relief offered by the Red Cross, and essential services (food, utility and housing).



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The minimum donation is $10.
All donations are subject to a 3.99% transaction processing fee, $1 minimum.


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